Every Inside No. 9 Episode Ranked From Worst To Best 

32. The Stakeout

Inside No 9

Plot: Two policemen (Pemberton and Shearsmith), one of them haunted by the death of his partner, stake out a graveyard in their police car.

Location: A police car.

Like every other season of Inside No. 9 (prior to season six), season five concluded with a horror story. The Stakeout is probably the weakest season finale of the show to date though, since it isn't all that memorable and the setting of a police car could've been used in a far more creative way; unfortunately, the car is static for most of the episode.

Nonetheless, it's still a rock-solid episode. An eerie atmosphere, two finely-developed lead characters and a clever script - which memorably uses word games to develop the characters and story - all more than compensate for the episode's flaws and make it a very enjoyable horror story.

Also, that final twist was a dark, messed-up and unpredictable delight.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.