Every Inside No. 9 Episode Ranked From Worst To Best 

30. How Do You Plead?

Inside No 9

Plot: A nurse (Shearsmith) looks after an ill former barrister (Derek Jacobi), who is trying to come to terms with some past mistakes.

Location: An apartment.

The weakest episode of season six is still a good one, but it doesn't hit as hard as most other episodes from the show's run.

As ever, strong dialogue keeps the whole thing very watchable and it's raised up by a fantastic performance from Sir Derek Jacobi (who was previously the off-screen narrator in the season three episode The Devil of Christmas), but at the same time there's just something a little unmemorable about the whole thing at first.

For the first two thirds, the plot itself isn't hugely interesting and it's a bit hard to tell where the episode is going, meaning viewers will probably just be waiting for the inevitable third-act twist.

Still, the episode does have a dark and disturbing third act that ensures that your patience does pay off in spades and by the time the ending comes along, you'll be left feeling shocked and sobered.

In short, this is a good episode, but it only becomes great in the final stretch and therefore it's in the lower-tier of Inside No. 9.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.