Every Main Character From True Detective Ranked From Worst To Best

6. Roland West - Season 3

True Detective

Playing second fiddle to Mahershala Ali would always be a challenge, but introducing Stephen Dorff as the partner to Wayne Hays offered a great balance for the lead.

In Roland West, we're not just given an insightful detective for Wayne to bounce ideas and theories off, but a partner in Wayne's corner when the case goes awry and racially charged blame is pointed in one direction.

Roland might be the least fleshed out character in season three, but the pieces of him we do get grab our attention and never let go. He operates on the same mindset as Wayne, but because of his status as a white man, he's promoted and given preferential treatment over his partner, but he does acknowledge it.

When the timeline jumps to the present day, and we meet the lonely man with his kennel of dogs, we learn the tragedy behind the character. He's resentful that his life has ended up in isolation (mostly due to him and Wayne killing Harris James) and Stephen acts the hell out of an old man, bitter with his life.

In the end, Roland finds what he is missing in his old age and it's a sweet ending for the character.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!