Every Main Character From True Detective Ranked From Worst To Best

5. Antigone "Ani" Bezzerides - Season 2

True Detective

In Paul Woodrugh's entry, I suggested that the main characters of season two had too much personal story going on. And this could not be more obvious in Rachel McAdams' Ventura County detective Ani Bezzerides.

As the head of the Task Force set up to solve the murder of Ben Caspere, Ani is the closest we get to a competent and logical-thinking officer. Where her character does fall down is the bucket-loads of plot devices the show throws at her.

She's embroiled in sexual harassment with another officer, she's a gambling addict, her sister works as an escort, her father runs a spiritual retreat that might be connected to the case, there was some trauma with her during childhood- not going into that one.

All these plot points do mould a headstrong and determined character, but they are also distracting when we see Ani investigating the case.

It's a shame because out of the five main characters (and three main cops) Ani is the most competent and well-rounded.

She's the one who sees the big picture and senses the corruption long before anyone else. And if we were to take every character's story in isolation; hers as a good-cop-turned-fugitive is the most interesting.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!