Every Main Character From True Detective Ranked From Worst To Best

1. Rustin "Rust" Cohle - Season 1

True Detective

Would you have expected anyone else?

If there was nothing else to be taken from the first season we can be sure Matthew McConaughey as the spectacular wisdom-spouting, nihilism-enthusiast Rustin Cohle would be it.

Every episode of the first season was like peeling an onion with Rust; we learn a more about him and his way of seeing the world, and whether or not you agree with his logic and viewpoints, he is open and clear in his convictions. Aside from having a tragic back story involving isolation in Alaska, the early death of his daughter and his descent into alcoholism and drugs; Rust presents himself as the 21st Century noir detective.

He could get under the skin of any suspect in his possession and his dog-like tenacity with a case made him the best in Louisiana State. Fans of the series have to universally agree that Rust Cohle will most definitely be the best character the series ever created; and it's clear the show creator Nic Pizzolatto put as much thought into this one character as he did in the entire series- more probably?

Despite being an anthology series, it would be a treat if Rust returned for a future season.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!