Every Major Gotham Villain Ranked From Worst To Best

12. Mr. Freeze

Gotham Fox TV Show Villains

After seeing the proto-version of his costume, it seemed like a tease that would never get paid off but eventually Gotham debuted Mr. Freeze in the full dome head suit with an ice-gun. Freeze captures the audience's interest as Gotham investigates why he's driven to commit crimes in his signature chilly method.

We see Nora Fries and the desperate attempts her husband makes to save her life by stealing chemicals for his efforts. He's one of the few villains in the series that starts out with genuinely good intentions before being twisted and warped. After his suicide attempt leaves him unable to survive without living in sub-zero temperatures, we finally get a modern version of Mr. Freeze.

He ends up working for a variety of different people including The Penguin and Jerome Valeska as muscle. Freeze ends the fourth season with his own territory much like Firefly does. He beats the competition by icing a whole group of criminals. That's one way of making an impression.

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Film and TV fan with a weakness for comic books. Will fight you as to why Green Arrow is better than Hawkeye.