Every Major Gotham Villain Ranked From Worst To Best

10. Hugo Strange

Gotham Fox TV Show Villains

Doctor Hugo Strange is responsible for most of the villains in Gotham and their powers. He's since become a walking plot device. Whenever a character dies, the dramatic weight is undercut beneath them because Strange can just revive or fix them.

Fish Mooney fell to her death? Get her to Indian Hill. Jerome was killed in a previous season but he'd be great to set up the real Joker? No problem: just get Hugo Strange on it.

Strange isn't necessarily a bad villain as he can be menacingly entertaining when he wants to be. BD Wong does a great job of bringing the Doctor to life by giving him a cool but cutting demeanour when ordering his underlings around.

When Strange manages to do the impossible, we see a look of sheer wonder on his face as his ego processes what he's capable of doing.

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Film and TV fan with a weakness for comic books. Will fight you as to why Green Arrow is better than Hawkeye.