Every Marvel TV Show Ranked Worst To Best

13. Luke Cage (2016-2018)

Marvel TV Shows Ranked

With its richly constructed Harlem setting and Mike Colter's riveting performance, Luke Cage was never anything less than a blast to watch over its two-season run, though for all its highs - Mahershalla Ali's short-lived Cottonmouth, for example - it often tripped itself up.

Deviating in its second season from a grounded, gritty project to a comparatively silly one, Luke Cage slipped in the end, but no amount of ill-conceived Diamondback twists could take away from the immortal highs of its debut season.

Humanistic and filled with iconic imagery - the most powerful of which being Luke Cage himself, a Black man outside the law, fighting for the people and given the power of unbreakable skin - Luke Cage wasn't the best of the Defenders saga, but it was always the most socially pertinent and endearing.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other