Every Marvel TV Show Ranked Worst To Best

6. The Punisher (2017-2019)

Marvel TV Shows Ranked
Marvel Television / Netflix

The Punisher should never have worked. The story of a vigilante who often crosses the line into all-out villainy, Punisher's methods and morally grey worldview didn't feel fit to sustain an entire show, but thanks in large part to the relentless performance of Jon Bernthal and its affecting portrayal of PTSD, it rarely lost its way.

The darkest and most gruelling viewing experience produced by Marvel, The Punisher is hard going - brutal, dark, and as uncompromising as its embattled central character - but also endlessly gripping, following Frank Castle as he fights lingering demons, grief and his need for justice and revenge.

With just two seasons - the second of which does, admittedly, become a touch too weighty to sustain its thirteen-hour run - The Punisher proved a thrilling addition to the Marvel canon, and a flawless showcase for Bernthal's explosive talents.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.