Every Modern Doctor Who Season Ranked From Best To Worst

5. Season 3

Doctor Who Rank
BBC Studios

Another excellent season in the Russell T Davies era, mainly thanks to the heavy lifting of Tennant's Doctor and the return of an iconic villain. The departure of Billie Piper from the series at the conclusion of Season 2 definitely left a big hole, and the writers do get a bit too bogged down reminiscing on what a great companion she was rather than developing the new companion.

Freema Ageyman tries her best to create a likeable new character in Martha Jones, but having her drool all over the Doctor for the majority of the season wasn't a great choice. The series struggles for early momentum because of this, with the magnificent Gridlock surrounded by a so-so Shakespeare episode and a Dalek double that made the old nemesis severely lacking in menace.

The second half of the season however is near faultless, kicking off with the fast paced 42, before moving on to the extremely clever Human Nature/The Family of Blood double that sets up The Master's return.

The triple treat to end the series is a delight, with Ageyman really finding her mark as Martha and Barrowman back to his quirky best as Captain Jack. Derek Jacobi and John Simm play deliciously evil versions of The Master, with the repoirture between Tennant and Simm a pure delight.

But the number one highlight of the series is the brilliant 'Blink', an all time favourite for many a Whovian. The Moffat written script conjures genuine scares with unique twists that utilises the time travelling possibilities of the show like nothing we've seen before or since.

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