Every Netflix Marvel Villain Ranked Worst To Best

9. The Hand (Iron Fist Season 1, Daredevil Season 2, The Defenders)

Jessica Jones Kilgrave

The Hand, a pervasive criminal organisation, was the villain that just kept coming back time and time again - no matter how many heads you severed. Originally from Iron Fist's mystical land of K'un-Lun, The Hand had many faces - Bakuto, Elektra, Madame Gao and Nobu Yoshioka to name a few - yet in all its iterations, it fell victim to the same problem.

With The Hand remaining unbeatable for several seasons, it didn't make for the most original or thrilling content. Their persistence proved The Hand to be a real threat in Netflix's expansion of the MCU, although their longevity at times made it difficult to understand what The Hand was really after.

In Iron Fist's first season, The Hand sought to take K'un-Lun, whilst in Daredevil and The Defenders, they aimed to destroy New York City. For a shady group that we learn very little about, this desire for world domination felt tiresome.

The Hand's biggest let down was their seemingly endless supply of shadow ninjas. In the mainstream MCU, this wouldn't feel out place but in Netflix's grittier interpretation, shadow ninjas felt a little absurd.


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