Every Season Of Community Ranked Worst To Best

Which seasons were "cool cool cool" and which ones "Britta'd it"?!

Community Chang
Sony Pictures Television

Firstly, it's a shame that this list cannot include a movie, but such is life.

Community has found a remarkable resurgence of popularity in the last few years, as the show's arrival on Netflix and the cast's lockdown reunion made everyone who adored Greendale experience it all over again.

As a show, it never captured the hearts of the masses, but those who fell for it fell hard, leading to one of the most dedicated sitcom fanbases in any show. It's easy to see why, as the series' grand concepts and meta-humour filled it to the brim with character, individuality and spirit.

Still, that isn't to say that the show was without its flaws. The ever changing writing staff, reliance on fresh ideas and shifting characters meant that Community was often facing new problems, which caused it to taper at times.

So, by taking the good with the bad, it's time to examine what made this show such a wild ride. Hopefully one day we can see more of the Study Group, but for now, we'll have to make like Abed and over-analyse their time on screen.

6. Season Six

Community Chang
Sony Pictures Television

Some of you might be a little surprised to see that the infamous "gas leak year" hasn't made it to the bottom of this list, but unfortunately, it wasn't the worst time that was had in Greendale.

When a TV show gets to its sixth season, it's safe to assume it won't feel the same. The characters will have changed, as will the visuals and even the staff behind the series. However, when things change this much, it doesn't feel like the same show at all.

Season six of Community suffered massively from the loss of main characters. Pierce, Troy and even Shirley were gone, and it led to the season feeling hollow. Sure, Frankie was a fun addition (who could have benefitted from arriving earlier) and giving the Dean a more prominent role was a highlight, but it wasn't enough to save the season.

Overall, the final round in Greendale was full of dud episodes, with strong outings (such as "Modern Espionage" and "Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television") being the outliers. Not only did we lose the characters we loved, but the quality itself was at an all-time low.

It's no wonder the cast love to joke about how they killed Yahoo's streaming service.

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