Every Simpsons Christmas Special - Ranked

4. Miracle On Evergreen Terrace

Simpsons Christmas

Miracle On Evergreen Terrace from Season 9 isn’t perfect, but it sticks with the Christmas theme throughout the whole episode. Therefore it has to score points compared to a lot of the other ones which just drop it in for plot.

It revolves around Bart waking up early on Christmas morning to secretly open his presents, only to accidentally set them on fire. He ends up hiding the plastic tree (now melted) and all the presents under the pure, white snow. Rather than admit his misdeed, he tells the family that a burglar stole everything.

There is another Christmas storyline revolving around Bart’s guilt which is yet to feature. That one has a better resolution and hits more emotional notes, but Miracle still strikes a lot of the right chords. There is a little too much flip-flopping from the Springfield residents for it to be as smooth as possible, but there’s still some great laughs.

Kent Brockman’s quick switch from viciously criticising the family to thanking them for such a great story is wonderful. Bart’s description of the burglar with hooks for hands too. Festive fun for the whole runtime.

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