Every Star Trek Opening Titles Ranked Worst To Best

8. Star Trek: The Animated Series

The Animated Series intro is a virtual remake of the Original Series' iconic opening credits, so why is it so low on the list? To be fair and frank, it doesn't bring anything new to the franchise, other than a very jaunty and fun theme tune. In fact, it is this theme tune that prevents it from slipping to the very bottom of the list as it has to be said, even in the opening there are some dodgy effects shots.

The theme was written by Ray Ellis and Norm Prescott. Both men used pseudonyms, with Yvette Blais and Jeff Michael, respectively, appearing in the credits. 'Jeff Michael' was in fact the names of Prescott's two sons.

Prescott was a producer on the Animated Series as well, as he was on many of the Filmation projects. He co-wrote the theme songs for The Adventures of Superman, Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids and He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. He also, along with his production partner Lou Scheimer, won a Daytime Emmy Award for Star Trek, for the episode How Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth, though the award was entitled Best Children's Series.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick