Every Star Trek: Voyager Season Ranked From Worst To Best

1. Season 4

Tom Paris Death Star Trek Voyager
CBS Media Ventures

This season has many episodes that could be discussed, however it's probably best to start at the beginning and focus on the most notable episodes.

Scorpion Part 2 saw Seven become a permanent member of the Voyager crew after being liberated from the Borg. This provided excellent storylines for the rest of the show's run for Seven as she worked to regain her humanity and become an individual again. The first time viewers see this is The Raven, where she begins to exhibit PTSD symptoms from her assimilation. It brings viewer's closer to Seven, as her vulnerability emerges and reminds them she is human, not Borg.

Then there's one of Voyager's best two-parters, Year of Hell. This episode provides two hours of tension as the ship is ripped apart and crew morale becomes almost non-existent. The highlight of this episode is Janeway though, as her grit and pure determination are on display for all to see. Kate Mulgrew portrays her as simultaneously strong and vulnerable, lifting the episode further. It is the best episode of the season and one of the series' best.

Message in a Bottle provides a tense storyline while keeping viewers laughing throughout at the antics of the Doctor and the EMH aboard the USS Prometheus as they try to take back the ship from Romulan invaders. The skill in making viewers laugh while the ship is at risk of destruction makes this episode one of the best.

Finally, One focuses on Seven's ability to run the ship by herself without any contact with the crew as they are in stasis while passing through a dangerous nebula. Seven starts strong, but towards the end she starts to experience emotions anyone would after being alone for so long without any human contact. Her journey throughout this episode is another great example of the writers letting viewers follow the development of a character rather than not explaining it.

Season 4 has no inherently bad episodes, but there are some that aren't quite as high quality as some of those mentioned in this entry. However, they are inconsequential as they are few and far between, which is why season 4 is Voyager's BEST season.


A recently created Star Trek fan with a special affinity for the adventures of Voyager and its crew. I enjoy the occasional horror movie and love anything 80s to the point where I've been told I was an 80s child reborn. I'm a true blue Aussie and proud of it.