Every Star Trek: Voyager Season Ranked From Worst To Best

2. Season 5

Tom Paris Death Star Trek Voyager

This season provides many brilliant episodes, but unfortuantely they cannot all be listed here.

Counterpoint provides some of the best tension and twists ever in Voyager. It will leave viewers with one question on their minds that may never be answered: did Janeway and Kashyk genuinely care for each other or was it all an act? Janeway's intelligence and her ability to formulate complex plans that always work are on display here, and it's an excellent episode that makes a great introduction episode for new viewers.

Night provides a snapshot into the effects that stranding her crew in the Delta Quadrant has on Janeway, as she begins the episode isolating herself from the crew and questioning herself. Her guilt is clear, and the scene on the bridge with the entire main cast is a beautiful moment showing how much of a family the crew have become.

Course: Oblivion provides both tension and heartbreak as a duplicate Voyager and her crew race to find the real ones before they dissolve completely. The twist that the crew viewers are watching throughout the episode are duplicates does nothing to lessen the gut punch that comes in the final moments.

Latent Image gives an emotional storyline for the Doctor who is struggling to cope with a decision he made when he was forced to choose between saving Harry Kim or Ensign Jetal. Giving the Doctor an emotional reaction to a decision he has made is another instance in which his developing sentience is on display.

The two-parter Dark Frontier provides excellent tension and storylines for Seven and Janeway. Seven's humanity is further explored in this episode as she chooses to return to the Borg collective to save the crew of Voyager, and Janeway's tenacity in retrieving Seven highlights the bond between them. It's a well-written episode that cements the Voyager crew as a family.

Unfortunately, The Disease, The Fight and 11:59 ruin this season with their terrible and uninteresting storylines, making it narrowly miss out on the top spot.


A recently created Star Trek fan with a special affinity for the adventures of Voyager and its crew. I enjoy the occasional horror movie and love anything 80s to the point where I've been told I was an 80s child reborn. I'm a true blue Aussie and proud of it.