Every Umbrella Academy Episode Ranked Worst To Best

8. I Heard A Rumour (S1E8)

The Umbrella Academy

Episode eight was the beginning of the end of season one, and belonged to the women of the Umbrella Academy, Allison and Vanya. The two had enjoyed a steady sub-plot throughout the series, but this episode took it from a solid background arc to one of the most important aspects of the entire series.

The parallels between Leonard's training methods and her father's is terrifying, as Vanya's flashbacks start to paint a more vivid picture of the horrific childhood she was forced to endure. This episode allowed us to empathise with Number 7 more than ever, particularly at the revelation that it was Allison's rumour that made her forget her powers in the first place.

The scene the sisters share is incredibly powerful as both Ellen Page and Emmy Raver-Lampman give their best performances of the season. Vanya's attack on Allison is one of the most shocking moments from the first season, and was the exclamation mark on an excellent episode for the two characters.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.