Every Umbrella Academy Episode Ranked Worst To Best

7. A Light Supper (S2E6)

The Umbrella Academy

As is suggested by the name of this episode, the biggest part was the meeting between the Umbrella Academy and Sir Reginald. Though the team's father had made brief appearances throughout the series, this was his first substantial interaction with the entire Academy, and something we had been waiting for since the start of season two.

Scenes including every main character are rare in the Umbrella Academy, but this was everything we wanted it to be, from the emotional gut punch of Diego's returning stutter, to the demonstration of powers and the comedy value of Luther and Klaus.

It was 5's brief conversation with his father after the supper that was the highlight, with the show proving once more than the smaller, subtler moments can be just as big as the action sequences. The two had a heart to heart, laying the groundwork for 5 saving the lives of his family several episodes later. This wasn't something that particularly stood out initially, but was made retroactively better after the finale.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.