Family Guy: 10 Worst Things Peter Griffin Has Done

4. Scaring Children As "Gary, The No Trash Cougar"

Family Guy Peter Griffin
20th Century Fox

Peter's awful actions are not always motivated by greed or revenge. There are times his motivations are altruistic but his approach can be irrational.

In the season 3 episode "Blind Ambition", Peter decides he wants to make a major contribution to the world. He then decides to teach children about the importance of picking their trash. With a loaded pistol in hand, Peter storms into an elementary school dressed as "Gary The No Trash Cougar". When the children see Peter they hide underneath the lunchroom tables. Seeing a cup on the floor, Peter fires a round into the air and demands to know whom the cup belongs to. A frightened child steps forward and Peter threatens the child to pick up their trash. When the child puts the cup in the trash, Peter thanks her and runs out of the school firing several more shots into the air.

Though his intentions were noble, Peter's teaching methods left the children scarred for life.

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