Family Guy: 10 Worst Things Peter Griffin Has Done

2. Starting A Meth Lab

Family Guy Peter Griffin
20th Century Fox

In the series Breaking Bad, viewers contemplate whether the actions of protagonist Walter White can be justified. However, there is no justification for Peter when he decides to cook and sell crystal meth.

In the season eleven episode, "Farmer Guy", The Griffins decide to move to a farm in the country due to Quahog's growing crime rate. The family initially intended to sell crops. However, since no one in the family is versed in agriculture, Brian decides to attends an agriculture program. Not wanting to wait for Brian, Peter comes up with the idea of cooking and selling meth. When Brian returns, the farm is on fire and the family is about to be killed by gangsters.

Like Walter's tale, Peter's meth escapades did start from a place of desperation. But also like Walter's tale, Peter's time in the the drug trade ended in tragedy and destruction.

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