Family Guy: 5 Believable Ways Brian Griffin Can Be Brought Back To Life

4. Stewie Was Watching A Simulation Again

Perhaps an unpopular method, but it isn't inconceivable that Seth MacFarlane and his team of writers are just messing with our heads again like they were with 'Stewie Kills Lois' and 'Lois Kills Stewie' back in 2007. Those two episodes completely changed the dynamics of the show in that Stewie finally realised his matricidal urges and brutally murders his mother, Lois, by gunning her down with a machine gun aboard a boat and sending her bullet-riddled, blood-splattered corpse crashing into the ocean. Of course, Lois came back from the dead in 'Lois Kills Stewie', meaning Brian's resurrection wouldn't be the first time a character on the show has been "brought back from the dead", and the whole sequence is shown to have been a dream anyway with Stewie watching a mere simulation to see what it would be like if he killed Lois. Perhaps this time he was watching a simulation to see what it would be like if he lost Brian - although this plot, much like the aforementioned 2007 angle, would be massively rickrolling the audience somewhat.
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Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.