Family Guy: 5 Best Fan Theories That Prove Brian Griffin Is Still Alive

2. "Stewie Kills Lois"

Stewiekillslois Some fans are quick to point out that this wouldn't be the first time Family Guy have 'killed off' one of their biggest characters, only to magic them back to life. In the two-part episode 'Stewie Kills Lois', for example, viewers see Stewie finally follow through with his desire to kill his mother, Lois, by mercilessly peppering her with a machine gun on board a yacht, sending her blood-splattered, bullet-riddled corpse crashing overboard and into the ocean. The whole episode (which was an hour long, by the way) happened in a computer simulation room, however, so Lois didn't really die. Could the Family Guy writers be playing another (larger scale) practical joke on us? At the end of 'Stewie Kills Lois', Brian wonders if a hypothetical external viewer of the simulation would feel cheated by what was ultimately a "dream sequence," which we would, in the case of 'Life of Brian' - but mostly, I think we'd all just be glad to see Brian back again.

Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.