Family Guy: 50 Best Episodes

31. Petarded

Family Guy 31Season: 4 Episode: 6 Original Air Date: June 19th, 2005 After winning at Trivial Pursuit (because Lois was using questions from the preschool edition, to make him feel smart), Peter becomes incredibly arrogant, flaunting his "intelligence" in everyone's faces. Brian becomes fed up with Peter's nonsense, and challenges him to take the MacArthur Fellows Program (aka the "Genius Grant") test to prove his IQ. Not only do the test results say that Peter isn't highly intelligent... they reveal that he's actually mentally retarded. Fans of Family Guy already knew that, of course, but it was fun to watch as Peter came to the sudden realization that he is, in fact, an absolute idiot. He can't do anything right, until he finds out that, as a member of the mentally handicapped, he can pretty much get away with anything publicly, because nobody can get mad at someone with special needs. He hilariously pushes everyone's buttons until an accident puts Lois in the hospital, meaning Child Protection Services will not allow Meg, Chris and Stewie to live in a home run solely by someone of Peter's intelligence. We then get Peter trying to get his family back and tie everything up with a nice bow. It's yet another low-brow episode that had rights groups up in arms about the portrayal of a specific group of people, this time the mentally handicapped, but it's everything we've come to expect from Family Guy, bad taste and all.
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