Family Guy: 50 Best Episodes

30. Emission Impossible

Family Guy 30Season: 3 Episode: 8 Original Air Date: November 8th, 2001 Peter helps to deliver his sister-in-law's new baby girl, and it gives him a case of "baby fever". He and Lois decide they want to have another child, but when they tell the rest of the family, Stewie is against it. He is the "baby", and he wants to get the attention that babies get. It's a normal premise that many families around the world experience. You get the youngest child receiving a certain amount of attention because of their age, but then they get jealous at the thought of someone taking their "spot". Of course, if the episode stopped there, it just wouldn't be Family Guy, would it? Instead, Stewie shrinks himself down and flies a spaceship into Peter's body in an attempt to kill all of his sperm. Only Family Guy, folks. It is inside of Peter's testicles that Stewie encounters Bertram, who is leading the fight against Stewie's attack. Bertram is voiced by journeyman voice actor Wallace Shawn, and is done perfectly. The highlights of the episode are definitely when Stewie and Bertram go to war, only to realize that, perhaps, they aren't as different as they initially thought they were. As Stewie and Bertram begin to change their minds about things, Peter and Lois begin to discuss the changing of their minds, as well, bringing us right back around again. As was already said, it just wouldn't be an episode of Family Guy unless they took a relatively normal premise, and then pushed it several rows beyond where others shows would stop at.
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