Family Guy: 50 Best Episodes

2. Road To The Multiverse

Family Guy 2Season: 8 Episode: 1 Original Air Date: September 27th, 2009 A special remote control that can allow its users access to alternate and parallel universes is the main plot point in this episode, and it allows Brian and Stewie to travel to numerous different universes, each one seemingly more hilarious and insane than the last. We get to see the parallel universe in which Christianity never existed, and society has evolved hundreds of years beyond where it actually is, with flying cars and pills that can instantly cure the AIDS virus. Meg goes from being the frumpy teenager that nobody likes in the real world to being the hot jailbait teenager in the parallel universe. Another alternate universe sees everything in the animation style of an old Disney movie. The animation style is beautifully done, with Stewie especially getting a nice makeover. Unfortunately, because it's a Walt Disney universe, Jews aren't welcomed with open arms (Walt Disney had many, many accusations of antisemitism and racism against him), and Mort Goldman is violently beaten by the Disney characters when he shows up. Yet another universe sees the roles of human beings and dogs reversed, with dogs running the planet and humans being their pets. Brian, being a dog and all, is enthralled by this universe, and tries to prevent Stewie from sending them back home, which causes the remote to break. From there, Stewie and Brian must go to their alternate family (the Griffins are dogs, and Brian is a tiny human with a huge nose), where the other version of Stewie has also created a universe-traveling remote control, and it's all crazy from there. The different universes provide for some nice rapid-fire gags here, with the inclusion of Robot Chicken animation, "real life" (a non-animated shot of a dog and a baby dressed like Stewie), Bedrock from The Flintstones, and many others.
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