Family Guy: 50 Best Episodes

1. Brian & Stewie

Family Guy 1Season: 8 Episode: 17 Original Air Date: May 2nd, 2010 Television shows of all genres often switch things up for an episode or two, just to keep things fresh. Maybe it's a sitcom that tries to tackle a serious subject like certain types of drug addiction (Saved By The Bell), alcoholism (Family Ties), sexual assault (All In The Family), or father issues (The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air). Maybe it's a dramatic show that adopts a more humorous storyline for a week. With this episode of Family Guy, the writers took things in an entirely different direction for a week. There were no cutaway gags. There were no characters making appearances other than Brian and Stewie. The entire episode took place inside a bank vault. While there were still funny moments, the entire theme of the episode got very "dark", very quickly, to the point where many viewers said they were weirded out by the whole thing. They're at the bank so Brian can deposit some money in his safe deposit box, but while they're there, the bank closes, and the vault door locks them inside. After realizing they were stuck, Stewie soils his diaper, and then comes to the realization that he could end up getting a serious diaper rash without a fresh one to change into. He tells Brian that the only solution is to have him (Brian) eat the feces from inside the diaper. Brian, of course, has no interest in doing so. Stewie then remembers he has a cell phone on him, but there is only enough battery life to make one phone call. Instead of calling for help, he calls a clothing store about returning a sweater he recently bought from them. Enraged, Brian strikes Stewie and yells at him, causing Stewie to cry. Brian feels terrible about it, so he agrees to eat the feces, in an attempt to calm Stewie down. Brian eating the feces (off-camera) makes Stewie sick, so he throws up, which means Brian has to eat that, too. They then decide Brian has to clean Stewie's bottom with his tongue because they have nothing to wipe him with, and this is when viewers know the episode is going to push buttons a bit. The episode revolves around the true feelings that Brian and Stewie have for each other. Things begin to take an emotional turn when Brian reveals that the gun he stores in his safe deposit box is there for him if he ever feels like killing himself, and he insinuates that he was going to do it soon. It's a sad look at depression and the lack of meaningful purpose in one's life, and the options they have. Of all the episodes that FG has had, this one features the most varied opinions from viewers. Those who love it praise how different it was. Those who didn't like it say that it was too different, and came out of nowhere. The writing here was just so good and thought-provoking, even with the gross-out humor sprinkled throughout, and that's what helps this episode get the top spot.
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