Family Guy: Peter Griffin’s 10 Stupidest Moments

3. Making A Fan Razor

Peter Griffin Razor Fan In the episode "The Tan Aquatic with Steve Zissou", Peter's son Chris is pushed over by the boy who has replaced him on his paper-round; Kyle. Unable to contain his anger towards Kyle, Peter beats him up and goes in to hiding. After he is forced to apologise to the boy, Peter and Kyle actually start to get on and they play with Lego together. During the Lego scene, Peter asks Kyle if what he has built looks like a spaceship because he never was any good at building things. At this point, it flashes back to a time Peter attempted to build a "hand-made electric razor". The razor in question is an ordinary desk fan with razor blades attached to it, which Peter says will "save him time in his morning routine". He stupidly proceeds to use it and it injures him badly, splattering blood all over the bathroom window.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.