Family Guy: Peter Griffin’s 10 Stupidest Moments

2. Putting His Penis In A Pencil Sharpener

Peter Griffin Pencil Sharpener The episode "Mr. Griffin Goes to Washington" sees Peter inadvertently made the President of the El Dorado Cigarette Company. When he enters his office for the first time, amazed at the fact that he has one, he declares that he thinks he should "get busy" and starts fiddling with the objects on his desk. He puts three pencils in to the electric pencil sharpener until they are tiny, then starts to twiddle his thumbs out of boredom. He then puts his finger in to the pencil sharpener and lets out a big cry of pain, before inexplicably undoing his flies, at which point the scene cuts away from the office and Peter lets out an even bigger cry of pain, suggesting that he has put his penis in to the pencil sharpener.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.