Family Guy: Stewie's 10 Greatest Moments

3. Da Boom


Stewie has many get-ups on the show: dressing as a girl to get on television, insisting upon many dress changes in Brian€™s magic show and as Darth Vader in the Star Wars episodes. In this episode, he makes an altogether more permanent change, as he mutates into an octopus in post-Apocalyptic Quahog. On realisation that there is not any food left in Quahog, the Griffin family go on a search for the Twinkie Factory in Natick. On this journey, Stewie falls into a puddle of nuclear waste and immediately sprouts purple tentacles. €˜Well, this isn€™t very good now, is it?€™ he dryly comments. Skip to one year later and a new society in Natick is nearing completion, and we see that the entirety of Stewie€™s lower body is composed of purple tentacles and he is able to climb up the walls and stick onto the ceiling. Though he is physically very different, as he fires ink at his mother and lays numerous eggs, he still retains the dry wit that makes him Stewie.

Hayley is a twenty year old student, studying Creative Writing and Sociology at the University of Winchester. In her spare time she writes her novel, sings in a musical theatre choir and goes to the gym. For her creative writing blog: Or follow her on twitter: @miss_hayley_may