Fargo’s 10 Most Savage Deaths Ranked

6. Flying Fish ("Buridan's Ass")

Nature in Fargo isn’t malicious. It does, however, sometimes create problems, often in the freakiest ways.

Sociopath Lorne Malvo has manipulated supermarket magnate Stavros Milos into believing that God is punishing him. After a shower of blood and swarm of crickets, Stavros is convinced that God will kill his son Dmitri, so he sends him off to a remote cabin.

This runs askew with nature’s plans, and Dmitri and his escort Wally Semenchko are caught in an epic flash blizzard. They make it through the dense snowfall but run into an unexpected meteorological side effect: a shower of fish. Hundreds of carp from a nearby lake have been drawn into the air – and yes, this can really happen – and come crashing down, splattering all over the road.

Semenchko loses control of the car and it hits an embankment, then flips into some trees. Both passengers are killed instantly. Stavros finds his dead son soon after and accuses God, but it was, of course, just a fluke of weather.

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Writer, DS9 devotee, committed AFOL, and expat stranded in South Korea, lightyears from home.