The Flash: 19 Easter Eggs And References You Have To See

9. What's The Deal With Harrison Wells?

That's the macro view of STAR's machinations and place in the world, but how about the micro? For example, what's the deal with Harrison Wells? Initially a sympathetic character who lots his job, his reputation, and his legs after the culmination of his life's work went inexplicably haywire, after an episode of feeling sorry for himself but nonetheless going out of his way to help Barry he turned out to have some...more troubling qualities. The twist in that post-credits sequence was truly shocking, as the wheelchair-bound Wells opened up a secret door in the STAR facility, rolled in, and then stood up! The faker! Everything he did in that secret room stunk of nefarious...ness, and it probably wouldn't have been quite as shocking a twist with those familiar to the Wells character from the comic books. He too claimed to be confined to a wheelchair, and spent his time mentoring The Flash (Wally West in this case) to be a better hero, all the while concealing a dark secret. That secret? That he was, in fact, Hunter Zolomon, the second Reverse-Flash - same powers, same costume, same plan to make his enemy's life a living hell and absolutely demolish it. So could Wells end up being the arch nemesis who travelled back in time and killed Barry's mother? And if so, why?

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at