Friends: 10 Most Cringeworthy Moments

9. Joey's Porsche

Friends Ross Cassie

Season 6 sees Joey Tribbiani's fortunes in a bit of a downturn. In the troubled period between the collapse of his film in Las Vegas, and the glorious advent of Mac & C.H.E.E.S.E., we don't blame him for seeking some validation in his personal life. Passing off someone else's high performance German sports car as his own, however, was probably not the way to go.

We have to give kudos to the Friends wardrobe team here, we already knew they were capable of setting trends that still influence fashion today, and producing some truly timeless looks for weddings, etc., but the sight of Matt LeBlanc in full Porsche regalia is immediately hilarious, certainly cringeworthy, and possibly their finest hour.

Ultimately Joey's web of lies would be publicly exposed with a perfect piece of slapstick comedy. With Joey reduced to posing by a series of boxes covered by a sheet, an extra chasing a football would crash through the "car".

In real life, LeBlanc is a noted Porsche enthusiast, stating upon his announcement as host of Top Gear, that his favourite car was the 2011 Porsche 911 GT2 RS.

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Writer on international relations, political philosophy, and drunken cowboys in video games. Contributor at WhatCulture.