Friends: 10 Most Messed Up Episodes

9. The One With The Inappropriate Sister (S5 E10)

FRIENDS The One With Ross And Monica's Cousin

Romantic, or at least potentially romantic relationships throughout Friends have ended for so many reasons. There were only a handful that lasted until the end of the series and beyond, while the rest ended in tears.

Rachel and Danny only lasted one date back in season five, but it could have been so much more had it not have been for his sister, Krista. When Rachel saw them get on the subway together he thought there was another woman in Danny’s life, and things would have been far more simple had this been the case.

Instead, the woman in question was his sister, which was a huge sigh of relief for Rachel, until she saw how they acted around each other. They wrestled and tickled each other, she fed him whipped cream from her finger, and cleaned it off his crotch herself when they spilled some.

Rachel ultimately broke it off with Danny after this, and though she was almost convinced not to, the final nail in the coffin was when Krista called to her brother that their bath water was getting cold. If only this was the lone incest-based storyline Friends ever played with, but more on that later in this list.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.