Friends: 10 Most Messed Up Episodes

8. The One With Rachel’s Phone Number (S9 E9)

FRIENDS The One With Ross And Monica's Cousin

Everyone will have their own reasons for having their favourite Friends character, and it could be any one of the main six. However, there are some instances and episodes that make you question why Ross Geller would ever be so highly regarded, and this is one of them.

Just before Rachel went for a girls’ night with Phoebe, her first away from Emma, she and Ross shared a moment. Little more than eye contact, but both of them felt something. She then went out and after Phoebe downplayed the moment, she gave her number to a random guy she met at the bar.

She had every right to do this, as she was single, and hadn’t dated Ross in over five years. Yet still she felt guilty, and tried to get Mike to stop any calls from Bill going straight through to Ross at home. He was unsuccessful however, and Bill asked Ross to make sure Rachel got his number.

At this point Ross knew nothing of how Rachel felt, as far as he knew she could have really connected with this guy, and instead of giving her the message, he decided to keep it from her. What right did he have to do this? Even after five years, it’s almost like he felt Rachel was his and he wasn’t about to let anyone else take her.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.