Friends: 10 Most Messed Up Episodes

5. The One Where Ross Dates A Student (S6 E18)

FRIENDS The One With Ross And Monica's Cousin

So far, this list hasn’t exactly shed Ross in the best light, and it’s not about to get any better for him. He felt he had some kind of claim to Rachel, but what about the time he actively dated one of his students?

His interest was piqued when Elizabeth called him a hottie in her teacher evaluation, but Ross had had his eye on this particular student for some time. As a teacher, he actually nicknamed one of his students ‘Cutie McPretty’, which is just too cringeworthy and creepy.

When she asked Professor Geller out, he at least had the decency to reject her at first, saying it would be inappropriate, but he didn’t exactly need much convincing, did he? Soon they were flaunting their relationship at the coffee house, despite it being dead against the school rules. Elizabeth was only 20 years old after all.

She had to leave the coffee house because she had homework due, and wasn’t even old enough to legally drink alcohol. Needless to say, this relationship ultimately led to a lot of paedophile jokes from his friends before he eventually realised she was too young for him. Not soon enough, unfortunately.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.