Friends: 10 Worst Things Monica Has Ever Done

4. She Cut Off Chandler's Toe

Friends Monica

In "The One With All The Thanksgivings", after Thanksgiving dinner Ross brought up that this may be the worst Thanksgiving ever for him due to his recent divorce and eviction. His thoughts lead to the gang bring up their respective worst Thanksgivings ever. As the group reminisced, Monica revealed her worst Thanksgiving, where she once overheard Chandler call her fat. So, one year later she lost her weight and attempted to get revenge on Chandler. She planned to humiliate Chandler by pretending she wanted to get with him and then revealing it was a scheme and laughing in his face.

However, everything turned upside down when trying to seduce him she juggled macaroni, carrots, and a knife, and suddenly lost the knife, accidentally cutting off Chandler's toe. While Chandler was taken immediately to the ER to have his toe reattached, any chance of retaining the limb was lost when Monica brought along a frozen piece of carrot instead of Chandler's missing toe.

In the present day, Monica tried to cheer him up by putting an entire turkey on her head. She put a fez hat and large glasses on it, and danced for Chandler, making him accidentally tell her he loves her for the first time.

Monica may not have meant to take things this far, but this is still one of the worst things she has done.


Brian Uthar hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.