Friends: 15 Most Watched Episodes Of All Time

10. The One With Ross's New Girlfriend - 32.1m

Season 2 Episode 1 Inevitably, that final shot of Rachel standing in the airport with a bunch of flowers for Ross at the end of season 1 was a compelling one, as it dragged even more viewers back for the start of season 2 to see how the moment played out. Would Ross dump his new flame for the love of his life? Or would Rachel be left looking like a fool? The episode title was pretty much a give away, and having been the It Girl who could get whoever she wanted, Rachel was reinvented as the love sick, bitter one as Ross enjoyed some happiness. It looked like she'd missed her chance as charming Julie won over the Friends, and she fell into the creepy waiting arms of Paolo, much to everyone's disgust. The same episode also gave us an added insight into Joey's world, as Chandler found out the questionable methods of his favourite tailor.
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