Friends: 25 Lessons That Completely Changed Your Life

18. You're More Like Your Parents Than You'd Ever Wish To Be

It might hurt to even entertain the idea, let alone acknowledge it, but it's a fact that as you get older, you start being more like your parents than you'd wish to be. Monica gets critical and controlling just like her mom, as Rachel likes to point out, and in "The One With Phoebe's Cookies" (S7E3), Joey and Rachel realize that they're doing the things that they used to criticize their parents for. it's a hard lesson to accept, but at least there's a chance that your parents are like Chandlers and you can basically get away with whatever outrageous behaviour you want.

17. Speaking French Is Actually Very Easy

Nailed it.

16. The Correct Way To Lift Furniture

It might not have been particularly successful for Ross in "The One With The Cop" (S5E16) but the moment he shouted PIVOT while trying to negotiate his obviously way too big sofa up the stairs, Gel Boy launched a cultural phenomenon that will endure long before people have forgotten what Friends even was. It is now scientifically impossible to pick up any piece of furniture, whether big or small, without shouting the same mantra with the same touch of desperation to your voice.
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