Friends: The Best Episode From Every Season

9. Season Two: The One With The Prom Video

Friends season 2

Friends always prided itself on flashback episodes, and whilst many of them feature too many glaring plotholes to count, they still offer some of the show's funnest adventures. None hold a candle to The One with the Prom Video, mind, an episode that might just be the best of the entire series.

After their parents clean out their old house, Ross and Monica come into possession of their old prom video, which sheds some light on how much Ross cares for Rachel in the sweetest way. This is the true start of the pairs messy relationship, and the results are sublime.

This sweet drama is countered by a subplot involving Chandler and Joey, who fall out after Joey gifts Chandler an ugly bracelet. It makes for some riotous comedy, and balances the episode's more dramatic troubles beautifully. Ross and Rachel may be the focus, but come on - Chandler and Joey's relationship was the best.

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i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other