Friends: The Best Episode From Every Season

8. Season Three: The One Where No One's Ready

Friends season 2

Season three of Friends has many strong episodes, and is probably the show's most consistently great season. Aside from the football and the introduction of Frank Jr, though, the best of its great episodes is The One where No One's Ready.

Easily the funniest episode of the entire show, The One where No One's Ready is set entirely in the apartment, as Ross desperately tries to get everyone ready for a black tie work event.

Witty without fault and brilliantly structured, the episode finds Monica battling her paranoia over her ex Richard's answering machine, Phoebe trying to cover a stain on her dress, and Chandler and Joey childishly battling over a chair. It's a comedy masterclass, and one that finds the entire ensemble at the height of their powers.

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i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other