Friends: The Best Episode From Every Season
7. Season Four: The One With The Embryos

A firm fan favourite, The One with the Embryos strikes a perfect balance between everything that made Friends so popular. It's at once a dramatic half-hour for Phoebe, an hilarious ensemble piece, and a striking reminder of how close the gang really are, even when they're at each other's throats.
The episode follows Monica and Rachel as they take part in a high stakes quiz in an attempt to win their old apartment back from Chandler and Joey. The group are put to the test by Ross, who works to prove which of the pairs knows the other best.
This is hilarious enough, allowing the cast to work off each other with inspired results, but The One with the Embryos reaches new heights when Phoebe agrees to act as a surrogate for her brother and his wife, adding an effective bolt of heartwarming drama to the show's overall arc.