Friends: The Best Episode From Every Season

2. Season Nine: The One With The Lottery

Friends season 2

Without question Friends' worst season, season nine has very few great episodes to its name. The closest it comes to recapturing some of the show's earlier magic comes in The One with The Lottery, which puts the gang at odds over the prospect of becoming rich.

Though it leans into some of the show's most irritating late-era flaws - including loud character interactions and poor character development - the episode still manages to work thanks to its star power alone.

The cast are on typically resounding form, working off one another with charm and wit to spare in the episode's quieter moments, and the overarching idea that the six of them are so close even when they're trying to backstab everyone comes through just enough to make it work on a purely entertaining level.

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i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other