Futurama: 10 Best Zoidberg Moments

6. Zoidberg's $300 Feast

A tax rebate sees each individual citizens of New New York $300 richer and leaves a string of vignettes into how each person spends their money. This is an especially big deal to Zoidberg who is constantly living in poverty and he believes he will finally live like a rich man. The problem is, what does he spend it on?

The episode sees him turn his nose up at jewellery, expensive meals and golfing equipment – it’s all very out of character. Zoidberg finally decides to spend his money on a grand tapestry at a gallery exhibition but Mom cruelly laughs down at him because he’s “an example of a poor person” who completely underestimates the value of the art piece.

Zoidberg learns that money couldn’t bring him happiness and the possession of it was changing him for the worst. He finally realises money could bring him happiness if helps those less fortunate than him. Zoidberg provides a feast for the homeless and for the guests at the exhibition. It’s one of his kindest gestures and it’s even more impressive that he didn’t have the entire feast for himself.

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Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid