Futurama: 10 Best Zoidberg Moments

5. Zoidberg Saves The Day (After Being The Villain)

The future has everything, including Freedom Day - a futuristic celebration where everybody can act lawlessly and not suffer the punishments. Zoidberg is particularly enthusiastic about the event because there was so sense of freedom on his home planet Decapod 10.

At the big celebration day at Washington D.C., President Richard Nixon’s head unveils the Earth Flag to celebrate the holiday, but it is devoured by Zoidberg. While to Zoidberg eating the flag was merely an expression of his love for freedom, the crowds become an angry mob against him.

He swiftly becomes a hate figure and must attend his court trial in hologram form because it is unsafe for him to go outside. The judge forces him to apologise but he refuses and is therefore sentenced to death. A war begins between Earth and Decapod 10, with the Decapodian Army emerging victorious and taking Earth’s inhabitants for slavery. A newly constructed Mobile Oppression Palace is built and murders Zoidberg’s lawyer – the one person who defended him for eating the flag.

Zoidberg takes action to save the defenceless planet from the crustacean takeover. In an initially shocking move, he sets fire to the flag but does it to preserve the freedom it presents and destroys the palace with it.

Zoidberg is hailed as a hero and with honorary recognition from Nixon, he is rewarded with a bite from the flag, declaring that Earth is truly his home planet.

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Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid