Futurama: 10 Worst Things Bender Has Ever Done

1. Get Everyone Kicked Out Of Heaven

Futurama Bender

Destroying the world is one thing, but that’s just one planet in all of the universe. In the second Futurama movie, The Beast With A Billion Backs, Bender goes above and beyond.

When all organic life in the universe moves in with Yivo, Bender is left lonely without Fry. The parallel universe they move to, which is inaccessible to robots and looks remarkably like the Christian version of Heaven, is a paradise for pretty much everyone.

At least, until Bender gets involved. Teaming up with other robots, Bender creates a pirate themed ‘rescue’, dragging Yivo back into this universe so he can be reunited with Fry. Though Yivo is strong enough to overpower Bender’s revolt, when he finds out Fry and Bender have been in contact, he kicks them all out anyway.

You can chalk some of the fault up to Fry, but all he did was write a letter, one that was very complimentary about Yivo, to his best friend. Bender’s idea to attack to save his best friend from a place he clearly likes is much worse, especially when the collateral damage is the happiness of literally every other organic life form.

What do you think are the worst things Bender has ever done? Let us know down in the comments.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)