Futurama: 10 Worst Things Bender Has Ever Done

2. Almost Destroy The World, Twice

Futurama Bender
Comedy Central

Almost destroying the world is terrible, and to think that Bender’s almost done it twice? And that it’s still not this worst deed? If this list hasn’t given it away already, that should be a pretty damning statement of Bender’s personality.

When you look a little closer, both times are (slightly) excusable, but not enough to warrant letting him off the hook. The first time comes during Mom’s Valentine’s Day uprising, when Bender is compelled by signals in his antenna to wreak havoc. Trying to overthrow humanity is undeniably awful, but Bender ultimately does decide against it, although only because he hears there’ll be no liquor in the new world. And the fact he had the ability to decide suggests he wasn’t being entirely controlled to begin with...

Predictably with Bender, liquor is involved in the second instance too. Using one of the Professor’s inventions, he makes smaller copies of himself to do his chores. Eventually, these Benders become microscopic and begin reworking molecules to make water into alcohol.

There’s some great scenes with Morbo and Linda drunk reading the news, but it still nearly kills everyone. What could be worse than almost destroying the Earth though?

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)