Futurama: 10 Worst Things Bender Has Ever Done

6. Try To Scare Fry As A Ghost

Futurama Bender

Like a few of the episodes from the Comedy Central era, this episode (Ghost In The Machines) has a fairly flimsy premise that’s stretched way too thin. However, since that premise revolves heavily around Bender being a truly rotten friend, it’s perfect here.

Bender gets upset when Fry saves a man’s life instead of a robot’s, justifying it by claiming humans are more important than robots. It’s an argument that’s come up in the show before, though this time it tries to raise the stakes by Bender committing suicide. The episode collapses in on itself a little after that, as the Robot Devil convinces Bender to haunt Fry’s various appliances.

This is not just mere spookiness either. Bender is literally trying to scare Fry to death, to get revenge on Fry for saving someone’s life. There’s a nice sight gag of toast burnt with ‘Boo!’, but it doesn’t change the fact he’s trying to murder his best friend.

Fry eventually leaves for the Amish planet to escape all electronics. The Robot Devil just can’t leave him be though, and eventually Bender possesses the Devil to save Fry’s life. It only needed saving because he put it in danger in the first place though.

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