Futurama: 10 Worst Things Bender Has Ever Done

5. Throw Seymour In The Magma

Futurama Bender

The heartbreaking ending of the loyal old dog curling up to die often overshadows everything that came before, but Bender’s jealousy is a driving force throughout. This starts with him buying the annoying yapping Robopuppy to try and get Fry’s attention, but soon becomes more sinister.

Down in Planet Express’ volcano laboratory (don’t ask), Bender is irritated that Fry is going to miss their magic show to revive his dead dog. In a fit of rage, Bender tosses Seymour’s fossil into the bubbling magma, laughing as he goes.

Once he realises Fry is genuinely upset and not just doing it for attention, Bender does then jump in and save the day. Being 40% dolomite comes in handy. However, fixing a problem that he created all on his own isn’t really worthy of all that much praise. It goes to show how selfish he is too; at times he seems to think everyone’s life revolves around him.

Also, without Bender’s delay, Fry might never have thought twice about resurrecting Seymour, and the two could’ve been united at last. It’s heartbreaking to think about and definitely bumps this pick a few rings up the ladder.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)