Futurama: 10 Worst Things The Planet Express Crew Ever Did

1. Bender Got Everyone Kicked Out Of Heaven

Futurama Fry And His Grandfather
20th Television

Of all the Planet Express crew members, the majority are typically good, but could fall victim to doing bad things. Bender however, often went out of his way to do awful, awful things. The robot could have easily filled this list on his own, from trying to kill all humans, to actually stealing a child at one point.

To stop this from simply becoming the worst things Bender has ever done, there is just one act from the robot, the worst he has ever done, to represent his lifetime of awful deeds. It doesn't get much worse than ruining Heaven for the population of the entire universe.

Throughout The Beast With A Billion Backs, Bender's disdain for the humans is taken to a whole new level, as they are physically able to pass into another dimension, while robots are not. When Yivo, the creature from beyond the space anomaly brought everyone through to what was essentially Heaven, Bender became insanely jealous.

The entire universe got to be nothing but blissfully happy, until Bender spearheaded a pirate-esque attack on the huge tentacle monster to bring Fry back to him. He literally destroyed Heaven, and ruined the lives of every single person in the known universe.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.