Futurama: 12 Plot-Holes That Almost Ruin The Show
5. Nibbler Disappears From The Universe
This is the third time travel related one, but unlike the previous two it does not contain time travel directly. It does, however, come at the end of Bender's Big Score after Bender's paradoxical time travel adventures.
The universe splits open, tearing a hole in the sky, causing Nibbler to panic. He jumps up into the air and eats himself, snake eats tail style. Leaving the logic of this aside, this just makes no sense. Nibbler reappears in the next movie The Beast With A Billion Backs, with no explanation for where he went.
Obviously, this is just supposed to be a weird sight gag with no explanation needed, but it does raise an interesting questions. Futurama often explores strange areas of sci fi, and even though there was absolutely no chance of them ever doing anything more with it, you can't help but feel if they really wanted to, they could have.
Development of Nibbler has happened in fits and starts, and the movies are no exception. Though a major player in Bender's Big Score until he disappears himself at the end, he appears without incident in Billion Backs, and the whole thing is quickly forgotten.